Five Trends in Technology Changing the Concrete Industry

Technology can reduce the "friction" of the industry's traditional processes. With modern tools, concrete producers can reduce operating costs throughout the entire supply chain, and history has shown that the producer with the lowest costs, who is easiest to work with,wins time and time again. This regular column will highlight real ...

Buildings | Special Issue : Recent Innovations in …

Engineers have developed high-performance and smart concrete materials with improved mechanical and functional performance, such as in terms of having ultra …

Smart materials and technologies for sustainable concrete …

This paper presents a comprehensive review of current trends and opportunities for sustainable concrete construction, emphasizing the importance of adopting eco-friendly practices to mitigate the industry's environmental impact. ... 3D-printed concrete is an innovative technology and practice in concrete construction that …

Current Sustainable Trends of Using Waste Materials in Concrete…

Concrete is the most used construction material in the world. Consequently, the mass extraction of materials required for concrete production causes major environmental impacts. With a focus on promoting sustainability, numerous research studies on incorporating waste materials to replace substances in concrete were …

Recent Trends in Civil Engineering & Technology

The bacterial concrete has remarkable advantages over ordinary concrete in self-repairing itself when cracked, and it proves to be an environmentally safe building material to be used. ... Recent Trends in Civil Engineering & Technology Open Journal Systems. ... Bioresource Technology, April 2010; 101 (8): 2616-2622p. ...

Self-Compacting Concrete: History & Current Trends

Abstract and Figures. Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is a key innovation in concrete technology and it is truly remarkable that, even after almost 30 years since its first implementation, it still ...

The Latest Trends in Concrete Technology | Cor-Tuf …

A recent US Commercial Construction Index found that more than 90 percent of contractors, construction managers, and builders surveyed had a hard time finding …

Advanced smart concrete

The construction industry seeks to utilize self-healing concrete due to its sustainability benefits and long-term performance (Park and Choi, 2019; Reddy and Ravitheja, 2019).The study by Ackermann examines the self-healing properties of structural and early age cracks (Ackermann, 2018).This experiment utilizes crystalline admixture …

The Latest Trends in Concrete Mixing Technology

In this article, we will explore some of the latest innovations in concrete technology that are set to revolutionize the industry in 2023. 1. Carbon Free Concrete. One such trend is the development of carbon-free concrete, which is critical in reducing the carbon footprint of the construction industry. Unlike traditional concrete, which uses ...

7 Futuristic Trends for Concrete Technology

For concrete technology, there are several latest emerging trends that are preferably used by concrete contractors and are helping them overcome different work challenges in the easiest ways, improve overall work productivity and eventually enhance the quality of projects, works, and services they offer. See the list below: Intelligent …

The Future and Development Trends of Concrete

Of all the future development trends, how to make concrete more sustainable is the most important issue. Improving the usage efficiency of materials is one way to make concrete sustainable. Using high-strength concrete and ultra-high-strength concrete and a pre-stress technique during design and construction provides a good way of increasing ...

New additives could turn concrete into an effective carbon …

"Our new discovery could further be combined with other recent innovations in the development of lower carbon footprint concrete admixtures to provide much greener, and even carbon-negative construction materials for the built environment, turning concrete from being a problem to a part of a solution," Masic says.

5 Innovative Concrete Design Trends for 2024

Now, as we find ourselves in 2024, the landscape of concrete design is undergoing a significant change. After reading Big Easy's blog, the change is largely driven by two key factors: advancements in technology and a heightened focus on environmental sustainability. At Cesars ' we'll help you uncover five major trends in concrete design ...

'Green' concrete could be game-changer for …

The new form of concrete looks like ordinary concrete but gets its special properties from the addition of microscopic flakes of graphene, a form of carbon that is one of the world's strongest ...

Recent Trends in Advanced Radiation Shielding Concrete …

Nuclear energy offers a wide range of applications, which include power generation, X-ray imaging, and non-destructive tests, in many economic sectors. However, such applications come with the risk of harmful radiation, thereby requiring shielding to prevent harmful effects on the surrounding environment and users. Concrete has long …

Concrete Innovations: The Future of the Concrete …

Innovations for the Future of concrete. Today's modern concrete is most commonly made with Portland cement, high-quality quarried aggregate, and innovative products and additives to make it more durable. Concrete is …

Advanced Concrete Technology, 2nd Edition | Wiley

Advanced Concrete Technology A thorough grounding in the science of concrete combined with the latest developments in the rapidly evolving field of concrete technology In the newly revised second edition of Advanced Concrete Technology, a distinguished team of academics and engineers delivers a state-of-the-art exploration of modern and …

The Latest in Concrete Cutting Equipment | For …

The Latest in Concrete Cutting Equipment. Manufacturers discuss the most recent trends related to concrete cutting equipment. November 6, 2023. Chris Lewis. Some manufacturers predict that battery ...

Digital Transformation of Concrete Technology—A Review

Digital transformation of concrete technology is one of the current "hot topics" tackled by both academia and industry. The final goal is to fully integrate the already existing advanced concrete technologies with novel sensors, virtual reality, or Internet of things to create self-learning and highly automated platforms controlling design, …

Geopolymer concrete: Turn waste into environmentally friendly concrete

5 Keynote Paper: International Conference on Recent Trends in Concrete Technology and Structures, INCONTEST 2003, 10-11 September, Coimbatore, India. In Table 2, the only difference between the mixes A-1 and A-3 is the concentration of sodium hydroxide as measured by Molarity (second column). Mix A-3 with higher concentration of NaOH …

Special Issue : Recent Advances in Concrete Technologies

To compile comprehensive documentation of the recent advances in the field of concrete, the Special Issue "Recent Advances in Concrete Technologies" is dedicated to highlighting advances and innovative research in the field of concrete technology and its applications. It will provide an international forum for the …

(PDF) Advances and Current Trends in 3D Concrete …

Additive manufacturing, also known as three-dimension (3DP) has a lot of advantages over traditional construction technology, including high building efficient, less construction wastes ...

Recent Trends in Construction Technology and …

Recent Trends in Concrete Technology. Front Matter. Pages 1-1. Download chapter PDF Self-healing Behavior of Microcapsule-Based Concrete. ... USA. His major areas of research interests include concrete technology, sustainable construction, building materials. He has published more than 40 research papers in and SCI Scopus indexed …

11 New Trends in Concrete Technology

Digital transformation of concrete technology is one of the current "hot topics" tackled by both academia and industry. The final goal is to fully integrate the …

Advanced Concrete Technology | Wiley Online Books

Advanced Concrete Technology A thorough grounding in the science of concrete combined with the latest developments in the rapidly evolving field of concrete technology In the newly revised second edition of Advanced Concrete Technology, a distinguished team of academics and engineers delivers a state-of-the-art exploration of …

Recent Trends in Concrete Technology | PDF | Crane …

Recent Trends in Concrete Technology - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. In olden days, it was hard to make concrete structure due to hand mixing and labour requirements. The recent techniques such as fire technology, Autoclaved aerated concrete, Grafito decor, Light weight …

Cellular concrete review: New trends for application in …

In the last years the use of cellular concretes has been extended, due to the rise in the ratio strength/weight reached, as well as the development of new cementitious raw materials, ing agents and fillers for specific applications of cellular concrete. However, the knowhow of this form of lightweight concrete is still under construction.

Machine learning in concrete technology: A review of …

In this extensive review, the current trends, and applications of ML in concrete technology are systematically reviewed aiming to draw a road map for further extension of ML application in areas ...

11 New Trends in Concrete Technology

Concrete contractors and construction companies must embrace new trends in concrete technology with open arms. Overall, one problem that the whole industry suffers from is a lack of skilled workers. These new trends in concrete technology will reduce construction costs and improve efficiency on and off the job site. …

Recent trends in concrete technology- KSR College

Such concrete of recent trends are numerous. In this paper the green concrete is briefly noted and the Litracon is explained in detail with available informations. LITRACON Litracon a light transmitting concrete is a mixture of thousands of optical fibers and fine concrete that are being produced as precast blocks and panels.

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